Having taught Italian kids (4-8 years old) for two sessions, I now understand why teachers have favorites.
So a group of us SYA kids go to a local elementary school every Saturday to teach the kids English. Well, there were four of us and 12 bambini who, for the most part, have no idea what we are saying (because we talk in English).
But there is this one boy named Antonio (who is a bit older than other kids, maybe 8?), and he is not only the Italian teachers' favorite but also ours. One, he is very mature. He shushes other kids when they are fighting or not listening or being childish in general. Two, he is incredibly smart! He knows enough English already, so when we draw stuff on the board and ask the kids if they know the English word for this object, guess who knows the answer every time? Antonio. He always gets an A+ on his weekly quiz as well, which attests to the fact that he actually studies after he goes back home. Third, he is very charming! Not only is he polite, but also stylish. He also teaches us some Italian words, so we always joke how he should teach Italian at our school haha
No wonder why he is everyone's favorite.